Hi, I’m Michelle…

I am an artist from Cincinnati, Ohio. After moving to Seattle to coordinate cancer and bleeding disorder research operations for 5 years, I quit to pursue community-centered visual art operations and visual art fulltime. I have had no formal training outside of the art classes offered at my highschool. Currently, I live in Berlin, Germany and often sell my artwork at weekend art markets around the city. I am fond of painting, mixed media, and printmaking. I like to make art that makes people smile. Come say hi if you see me at a market!

Current Work…

Lately, I’ve been really interested in depicting traits or abilities that I feel would be handy for humans to have, as specialized organs, cells, or biological structures. I’m kind of reimagining Frankenstein’s Monster from the organs outward, considering what should be by inventing what could be. More writing on this to come, still building my monster for the time being…